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Car Insurance Quote

Contact Details:

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Enter Job Title, if unemployed, retired or disabled, please enter that below:

Highest Level of Education Completed:

List All Drivers In The House:

Driver 1

If no other drivers to enter, type "NA" in the remaining boxes for each driver

Driver 2

Driver 3

Driver 4

List Each Vehicle Here:

Vehicle 1

If no other vehicles to enter, type "NA" in the remaining boxes for each vehicle

Vehicle 2

Vehicle 3

Vehicle 4

Do you have insurance now?

If "Yes" how long have you been with that company?

Name of insurance carrier now?

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Life Insurance Quote

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In the last 12 months have you used tobacco or nicotine?

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Any medical or health conditions?

Physical Details:

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House Insurance Quote

Your house:

Contact details:

Garage Details:

What is the square footage of home?

Date home was purchased

Home Value Now

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Business Insurance Quote

Business Name

Contact details

Business details:

What type of business are you in?

What insurance product are you looking for?

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Flood Insurance Quote

What Type of Flood Insurance Policy Are You Looking For: Personal or Commercial?

Business Name

Contact details

Select the flood coverage amounts needed



Do You Rent, Own or Lease?

When did you purchase property or move in?

Garage details

Year property was built?

Total square footage

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truck insurance

Commercial Truck Insurance

Truck insurance is a part of the commercial auto insurance policy that protects your heavy commercial auto units, trailers and semi-trucks. Truck insurance is important because trucks are used for business and you can’t afford to flip coins when it comes to protecting your business. The level of liability coverage and other extra insurance that you or your employees will need may depend on the specific usage for your business trucks.


Importance of Truck Insurance

Purchasing truck insurance for your heavy commercial units, trailers and semi-trucks will give you benefits of protection against damage and theft. Also if your business involves leasing or renting your trucks or usage by more than one person, you will need the commercial truck insurance to cover you in event of another driver’s bad weather day.

Commercial truck insurance will basically cover loss and damage in several situations, including cargo and property damage, damage to trailers, semi-trucks, and heavy commercial auto units among others. The premiums for truck insurance depend on the number of truck and how they are used.


Why Purchase Truck Insurance from Us?

In addition to the general truck insurance coverage for your semi-truck and trailers and heavy commercial auto units, we will also offer specialized and customized coverage, like trailer interchange.

Our main objective is to ensure that you get the best quality truck claim service the market can offer. We have an extensive network of pre-approved repair shops which will give your trucks priority to ensure we get you back on the road and also in business as soon as possible.

We will tailor the costs for your truck insurance based on a number of factors which may include the driver’s driving history, the limits you require, your location and type of business, the truck models and the driving radios. These factors impact different policies differently. For example, if your semi-trucks are driven locally, you will pay fewer premiums than another company whose trucks are driven regionally.

We have been designing and perfecting our insurance filing systems over the years. As a result, we will do your insurance filling relatively fast and give you the filing certificate to prove that you will have sufficient coverage for your business trucks. Also when you will present a claim, our team of expert carrier claim adjusters will carry out investigations as fast as possible and work with you on a finding the best possible solution for addressing the matter.

In addition to truck insurance, we will also insure your cargo depending on the specific types of business. This is an important aspect of truck coverage for businesses that deal with hauling regulated products.

Truck Insurance Quotes

There are basically three main types of truck insurance. The first one is primary liability which is similar liability coverage for people with non-commercial auto insurance policies. This policy covers the cost of damages sustained by the driver at fault during an accident. This is simply a means for the drivers at fault to take responsibility for their mistakes.

The second liability coverage for truck insurance is physical damage. Here, any damages sustained by your trucks are covered regardless of who is responsible for the accident. It covers your trucks for fatalities, such as backing into a tree, vandalism, theft and accidental fires.

The last one is the cargo insurance which is protection for independent haulers in cases of cargo that does not primarily belong to them. If your business hauls regulated goods, for example fuel and food, you will benefit from specialized cargo insurance.

Ready to explore all your options? Let us provide a competitive commercial truck insurance quote for you.

Company information

Truck Insurance Agency
Frank Medina Insurance

342 N Water St Ste 600
Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 877-0777

3663 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 600
Houston, TX 77032
(713) 955-2559

Hours of business

Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday