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Car Insurance Quote

Contact Details:

Select Marital Status:

Enter Job Title, if unemployed, retired or disabled, please enter that below:

Highest Level of Education Completed:

List All Drivers In The House:

Driver 1

If no other drivers to enter, type "NA" in the remaining boxes for each driver

Driver 2

Driver 3

Driver 4

List Each Vehicle Here:

Vehicle 1

If no other vehicles to enter, type "NA" in the remaining boxes for each vehicle

Vehicle 2

Vehicle 3

Vehicle 4

Do you have insurance now?

If "Yes" how long have you been with that company?

Name of insurance carrier now?

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Life Insurance Quote

Select Level of Protection: $

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In the last 12 months have you used tobacco or nicotine?

Yes, I have No, I haven't

Any medical or health conditions?

Physical Details:

Best time to reach you during the day?

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House Insurance Quote

Your house:

Contact details:

Garage Details:

What is the square footage of home?

Date home was purchased

Home Value Now

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Business Insurance Quote

Business Name

Contact details

Business details:

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What insurance product are you looking for?

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Flood Insurance Quote

What Type of Flood Insurance Policy Are You Looking For: Personal or Commercial?

Business Name

Contact details

Select the flood coverage amounts needed



Do You Rent, Own or Lease?

When did you purchase property or move in?

Garage details

Year property was built?

Total square footage

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SR-22 Auto Insurance

SR22 insurance, also called Financial Responsibility Insurance, is a policy coverage for drivers with a previous history of road rules violation. No one knows the day or the hour when unexpected incidents may happen on the road, because no matter how careful a driver you are, you can never really anticipate some unexpected events. Depending on individual states, it might take up to five years for your bad driving record to be cleared. Then you can stop paying those high premiums, but you should check with us first that you are cleared to be on the road without the SR-22 auto insurance.

Importance of SR-22 Auto Insurance

There are many cases where an SR-22 auto insurance can come in handy and keep you from being locked behind the bars. In an accident-related situation where you had not been covered by auto insurance, SR-22 auto insurance can come in handy and help you get back on your four wheeled friend. You can also use your SR-22 auto insurance if you have got many tickets in a very short time period or been involved in repeat traffic offenses, risking your license to be suspended. Also if you don’t want your driver’s license to be suspended when caught driving under the influence (DUI), you may need to pull out your SR-22 auto insurance card. This insurance policy also covers you for circumstances where you were caught driving with a revoked or suspended license.

Why should you buy your SR-22 auto insurance from us?

Although the SR-22 is a termed insurance, it’s really just a certificate that our insurance company will file with your state to testify for you. This certificate will confirm that you have been covered by our insurance firm. There are some special situations, such as if a judge dictates it, you will need the SR-22 auto insurance. In this circumstance, if you already have auto insurance we will simply add the SR-22 to it. But if you don’t have vehicle insurance, we will quote for you both an auto policy and the SR-22 auto insurance.

When the judge asks you to have the SR-22, we will help you file a document with the evidence of your financial responsibility. The SR-22 is usually filed with the DMV or Department of Motor Vehicle. The insurance is an attempt to lift any suspensions of your license and enable you to be on the road again.

We usually file the SR-22 auto insurance for individual drivers, but we will give you good rates for additional drivers you need on your policy. We will also offer you an owner’s certificate which is a testament that the car covered is yours, and an operator’s certificate which is a document to prove you have the go ahead to drive a specific vehicle with the permission of the actual or registered owner, if the vehicle being covered is not yours. We can also offer you the owners/operators certificate which is a combined certificate that covers all cars no matter if you own or don’t own them.

Important facts about SR-22 Auto Insurance

Our SR-22 auto insurance policy is affordable, although we may have to add some extra costs for the coverage, especially when you don’t have auto-insurance. The insurance rate may further escalate in the cases where you will require the SR-22 due to an accident or violation.

One thing that you must realize is that the SR-22 is simply a mechanism by which insurance proof is established. So your insurance policy remains the same whether you have the SR-22 auto insurance or not. We offer you competitive prices for the SR-22 quotation depending on the type of vehicle you use.

Also our agents are able to file for you the SR-22 auto insurance as soon as you need it because we do it electronically. We are, therefore, able to send it directly to the DMV. We will give you a copy of the insurance so that you can use it when you need your license to be reinstated.

Company information

Insurance Agency
Frank Medina Insurance

342 N Water St Ste 600
Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 877-0777

3663 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 600
Houston, TX 77032
(713) 955-2559

Hours of business

Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday