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Car Insurance Quote

Contact Details:

Select Marital Status:

Enter Job Title, if unemployed, retired or disabled, please enter that below:

Highest Level of Education Completed:

List All Drivers In The House:

Driver 1

If no other drivers to enter, type "NA" in the remaining boxes for each driver

Driver 2

Driver 3

Driver 4

List Each Vehicle Here:

Vehicle 1

If no other vehicles to enter, type "NA" in the remaining boxes for each vehicle

Vehicle 2

Vehicle 3

Vehicle 4

Do you have insurance now?

If "Yes" how long have you been with that company?

Name of insurance carrier now?

Prior to submitting this form, please make sure all boxes are completely filled out. Thank you!

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Life Insurance Quote

Select Level of Protection: $10.000

Contact details:

In the last 12 months have you used tobacco or nicotine?

Yes, I have No, I haven't

Any medical or health conditions?

Physical Details:

Best time to reach you during the day?

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House Insurance Quote

Your house:

Contact details:

Garage Details:

What is the square footage of home?

Date home was purchased

Home Value Now 100.000

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Business Insurance Quote

Business Name

Contact details

Business details:

What type of business are you in?

What insurance product are you looking for?

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Flood Insurance Quote

What Type of Flood Insurance Policy Are You Looking For: Personal or Commercial?

Business Name

Contact details

Select the flood coverage amounts needed

Building 10.000

Contents 100.000

Do You Rent, Own or Lease?

When did you purchase property or move in?

Garage details

Year property was built?

Total square footage

Once This Form Is Filled Out... Click The "Get A Quote" Button Below

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Houston Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance Houston

Flood Insurance in Houston Texas is needed whether you live in a flood plain or not. It can flood anywhere it rains. Normally there is a 30 day standard waiting period to buy a flood policy so we recommend you start by getting a quote first to determine what the cost will be. While you are considering more coverage ask about our home insurance.

Flood Insurance Humble Texas

Get a Flood Insurance quote in Humble, Texas. Flood insurance is probably just as important as home insurance because the devastating thing about flooding is the damage that it causes to your home. Flooding can occur where ever there is rain or snow and with the increased risk of storms that the world is experiencing at the moment, it can happen anywhere.

If you do not have any flood insurance for your home then you need to assess your situation and start the process. It is not only landlords that need to consider flood insurance because renters are also able to insure against a loss of their personal property. If you have flood insurance then you need to assess what it covers. The amount it covers might not be enough to cover the damages that are experienced during a flood and you might have to consider upgrading the policy. The same should go for your personal belongings.

from $300 a year

Flood Insurance Atascocita Texas

Get a Flood Insurance quote in Atascocita Texas. Flood insurance might not seem necessary where your home is situated but a flood can occur for different reasons and you need to be prepared for that unfortunate mishap. It could be a gutter leaking, a portion of the roof collapsing and the best way to prepare is for you to have had a flood insurance policy. We can help you protect your income and savings.

from $300 a year

Company information

Flood Insurance Agency
Frank Medina Insurance

3663 N Sam Houston Pkwy E #600
Houston, TX 77032

Contact details

(713) 955-2559

Available 9:00am - 5:00pm

Kingwood flood insurance

Flood Insurance Kingwood Texas

Prepare your property

It does not take a lot of water to create damage to your property especially carpets or wooden flooring. Therefore, take some time to prepare your house to cope with unusual conditions.

● Clean the gutters of any leaves or other debris so that the water runs freely

● If your location experiences excessive winds then use extra securing straps to reinforce your roof

● Trim the bushes and trees in the vicinity to make them more resistant from high winds

● Place appliances like washers, dryers, water heaters on top of cement blocks about 12 inches above ground level so that they do not get flooded

Flood Insurance quotes available for all of Kingwood, Texas. Kingwood is known for it's beautiful forestry with many small bodies of man made mini lakes and ponds. Be prepared before the flood and get a quote.

Spring flood insurance

Flood Insurance Spring Texas

Get a Flood Insurance quote in Spring, Texas. Flood season never ends because where it rains it can cause damage.

Prepare for the worse

If you are unfortunate enough to experience a flood the chances are that you and the rest of the family will not be together.

● Make sure the younger family members know how to get into contact with the emergency services

● Have a safety kit with basics like drinking water, first aid items, and flashlights because often in flood the electrical services are interrupted

● Planning which route to use if evacuation of the location is the only solution

● Asking a neighbor or friend to be an emergency contact

● Know what is around you and how the family will get together if they are at different locations

How to prepare for a flood claim

If you have experienced a flood in your home here a few tips on how to go about the claim:

● Once it is safe, get all the receipts and an itemized list of all the belonging that have been damaged

● Take photos of the damage and the water including the damage to your belongs

● Keep samples of the carpets or any other fabrics for the adjuster and this will also help show the quality of the material

● An adjuster will visit the home to assess the damage. Work with the adjuster to make sure that an accurate assessment is done of all the damage

● There could be limitations on the policy especially with areas such as basements

What needs to be done before a flood

One cannot predict when your home will be flooded but you can prepare in advance to limit the damage before a flood.

● First make sure that all your documents are always kept in a safe dry place

● Have all lists of the insured items and the records and photo stored on your computer and on a secondary storage. With the ease of cloud storage nowadays is a perfect place to keep a record

● Safeguard all personal documentation such as birth certificates and passports